Monthly Car Boot Sale

Monthly Car Boot Sale

A local market in which private individuals come together to sell household and garden goods. Held in Gorbals but open to sellers and buyers from anywhere.


Good Idea if managed like allotments with space being allocated to residents and vetting for others close to home priority, points system, tidiness courtesy in a collective spirit with a small budget for quarterly uncleared items skip to the clenny Polmadie separated waste. Circular economy. Not a dump for rubbish items or fly guy traders. Plenty of arches to be developed and return Gorbals back to the vibrant trading area for locals it once was.

The rotation of surplus household stock as essential as it prevents waste and disposal costs, and also produces a small community where thriftiness and entrepreneurship flourish. Car boot sales are a way of attracting a large group of people in one place to recycle useful but unwanted domestic items that otherwise might have been thrown away.

Good idea if you have something which is too valuable to be donated to a charity shop, or which they won’t or can’t accept.

Where would it be held and who would clear up afterwards?

You can easily get a stall at the barras and the gorbals is very close to it.

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