

A purpose-built recreational environment made for skateboarding, BMX, scootering, wheelchairs, and inline skating.


The proposed sites seem unhelpful with one under a motorway junction and the other opposite the pensioners homes. Pollution of air and noise on a site that big facilitating for the teenage demographic weekend use environmentally unhealthy and antisocial to senior citizens

The location is surely a joke - a skatepark in a graveyard? Outdoor skateparks are not infrastructure I would like to see in Gorbals. They usually involve a large concrete slab, which stores heat, replacing water absorbent grass and makes the vicinity unpleasantly warm in summer. Skatepark enthusiasts often cause noise pollution from the constant sound of wood and metal hitting against concrete and by playing loudspeakers. Don't replace the birdsong of the necropolis with it.

Unlike organized sports, like basketball or football, skateboarding has no set arena or rules and each skatepark is designed specifically to provide unique challenges to its users. Public skateparks are usually outdoors and free to use. Custom-built concrete skateparks can be cost competitive and require fewer repairs than prefabricated parks made of wood, plastic, sheet metal.

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