Kids Activities

Kids Activities

Would be nice to have more activities for Kids. Arts and Crafts, Dance, Drama etc. Recent Arts group attended in St Francis Hall was for adults and more children turned up for this. The Gorbals has nothing for the kids to do and attend clubs


That would be fantastic to have art &craft for kids and art for 12+ with drawing/ painting tutor, so the children would unglue from the screen since everything now they have from school are on ipads. Younger children present problems with basic hand's motor skills due to lack of art activities on psper with tral materials rather thand screen time.

New Gorbals

Drama / theatre activities for kids of all age groups would be great. They could also show off their skills at our Gorbals community celebration days. Come to that, what about a space for youngsters along the lines of the Castlemilk youth complex?

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