Alexander Greek Thomson statue

Alexander Greek Thomson statue

The recent housing development in Anderston features a fantastic statue of Charles Rennie MacIntosh. Wouldn’t it be fitting to have an equally impressive statue of Glasgow’s other great architect, Alexander ‘Greek’ Thomson (designer of Caledonia Road Church), here in the Gorbals? I wonder how many folk know that Alexander Greek Thomson was once a resident of Laurieston, living at 3 Apsley Place? The linear park, looking up towards Apsley Place, would be the perfect location for a statue!


Charles Rennie MacIntosh is given significant recognition in his native city but Alexander ‘Greek’ Thomson is often overlooked. Given that one of Thomson’s buildings still stands in the Gorbals and that he once resided at 3 Apsley Place (a street which has now been reinstated), a statue of the architect would be a worthy and lasting addition to the new linear park.

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