MRM massage , Reiki & mindfullness

MRM massage , Reiki & mindfullness

Offer local people the chance to obtain a therapy at a small cost to promote emotional and physical health & wellbeing . Previously this was offered via SEAL but finding did not continue. The cost of living crisis has impacted on many people & this is not affordable .would be welcomed to improve health outcomes and reduce Admissions or attendance at hospital / A&E. local people found the massage helped relieve tension and stress and it could compliment some is the other classes at St Francis .


This would be for all ages especially those who are emotionally and physically vulnerable . It would also be preventative and all ages encouraged to adopt healthier lifestyles

Amazing resource for those looking for stress and anxiety management I would support the return

This was a great service run by Seal, it helped with physical and mental health well being, a real benefit to the community. The therapist created a lovely relaxing atmosphere which made you feel so relaxed and de-stressed. Its been a sad loss to the people of the Gorbals.

This is a great idea as the community really need this but in regards to the information on this post regarding SEAL no longer being funded, this information is incorrect. For details on our groups, workshops and activities contact Kathleen/Jacqui on [email protected].

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