Rose Garden Revamp

Rose Garden Revamp

The rose garden has lots of potential to be a fantastic green space for the Gorbals, however it can seem neglected at times. Could the money be used to create more social spaces and clubs here? It would also benefit from large bushes and trees being cut back or trimmed as it can lead to antisocial behaviour. What about a bird area and bug hotel? There's also lots of wildlife and local schools could engage in these projects - play apparatus for kids or exercise equipment for adults?


Explained in previous post.

It would be great to see the Rose Garden being used and cared for.

Not against the rose garden being well maintained, and adding things like bird feeders and bug hotels... However, I don't like the idea of cutting back the bushes or trimming the trees there! They look beautiful as they are and they are good for the environment. The antisocial behaviour could probably be better policed with cameras.

Please leave the rose garden alone. It the prettiest park in the area, with a variety of birds and rodents enjoying the fruits growing on bushes and trees. It definitely doesn't need more grass cutting - quite the opposite, the grass under the orchard should be left alone to let it grow and promote biodiversity. A few additional trash bins could hopefully reduce the trash occasionally left in the Rose Garden.

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