

Uses of the many Arch Spaces in Laurieston aligned with the community’s aspirations and priorities elicit presenting a comprehensive plan that demonstrates the potential benefits for all members of the community, could secure small grant funding to incrementally transform these underutilized areas into vibrant hubs of activity that promote social inclusion, education, and economic empowerment. A fuller description


Definitely worth thinking on and reading the substack

Katie Chambers makes a good point. At this time there is 4 organizations/individuals using the arches. One is supported by NGHA and installed with funding and free electric power The Men shed offenders group to assist the directors yacht boat maintenance. A part time furniture 6 months Thailand tourist guy/men shed relative. A bicycle project a welder artist and an art gallery. NGHA claim to have a lease on two arches at the new walkway reason not known.

Great idea - the grassy space in front could also be transformed into a community garden or other outdoor community space - maybe a food market/food stalls. Would need to ensure the arches spaces go to groups/organisations/businesses that benefit the community and not just random rubbish like key cutting shops/pound shops/carpet shops.

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