Badminton club adult and social badminton club families

Badminton club adult and social badminton club families

Gorbals leisure centre is very expensive to access and no one uses badminton courts day time mid week


to improve health and wellbeing of the community and allow access to the local facilities

no badminton clubs in the area

The badminton courts in the Gorbals leisure centre are £9 per hour. That's less than an hour of minimum wage work - the leisure centre already runs at a loss, helped by city council funding. Asking Glasgow Club to lower pricing during low usage, such as during during work and school hours might work/

Thanks Przemek , negotiating with Glasgow Club around off peak times for the benefit of locals, is a good idea.The Glasgow Club should work in partnership with NHS to improve people's health. The centre should be run full capacity at lower prices. When people pay monthly membership a free badminton club on a few days a week should not break their bank.

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