Transport ghal Anzjani

Transport ghal Anzjani

Transport ghal Anzjani sussidjat b'Taxi's jew Cabs biex nhegu lil nies ta' eta kbira jieqfu is-suqu.


Include also disabled people

Naqbel magħha wkoll ċertu azzjani biex imorru għal xi appuntament l-isptar ma jkollhomx min iwasalhom għax l-appuntamenti jkunu fil-għodu u llum kważi t-tfal kollha jkunu jaħdmu. Ikun diffiċli għat-tfal biex jieħdu leave u jispiċcaw ikollhom imorru bit-taxi.

In addition it could be considered to have a mini van service in various villages which will take our pensioners or persons with disability to do their shopping needs, in the U.K. They have this system twice a week and a person interested would call and they are taken to supermarkets, they are helped to take their shopping in, this incentive could also be linked to the various supermarkets to get subsidies thanks

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