Caw caw ghal 40%+ propjeta vojta

Caw caw ghal 40%+ propjeta vojta

Agenti jridu jinhatru sabiex isibu u jikkuntatjaw l owners jew werrieta tal propjeta vojta u jkellimhom. Joffrilhom somma sabiex jinbiegh. Jekk xihadd mil familja ma jaqbilx mas somma li l maggoranza taqbel fuqa jew il prezz ikun ezagerat, jigi ssusudjat mil gvern biex jitranga mil owners u jinkera lil min hu fil bzonn, b rati ta mhux aktar minn 100euro(1 bed) 200euro(2 bed) 300euro(3 bed) fix xahar. Ahjar milli vojt- ghal kulhadd.


It might make sense to provide a lower capital gains tax an stamp duty on old houses to encourage the sale of already existing properties ' however the development of these houses has to be properly monitored. We have become a proper concrete jungle so we must also encourage sustainable development

We have alot propertys but we not know where is it lol

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