Nirrinġeneraw u nużaw il-bini abbandunat

Nirrinġeneraw u nużaw il-bini abbandunat

Fiċ-ċentri tal-irħula hemm ħafna bini abbandunat b'tali mod li jkerrah iż-żoni u jwaqqa' l-valur u l-preġju tal-lokalitajiet. Għandna naraw kif se nużaw il-bini diżabitat biex ma nħalluhx ikerrah il-bliet u minnflok niżviluppawh b'mod intelliġenti li jagħti x-xogħol lill-iżviluppaturi, iżomm it-tradizzjonijiet arkitettoniċi Maltin, u fl-istess ħin nagħtuh użu kif suppost u kif jixraq lill-ibliet u rħula Maltin (eż.: il-Ħamrun, il-Marsa, l-Imsida, u l-Belt Valletta).


Properties which have been left abandoned for a long period of time, e.g. 20-25 years, could be expropriated by Government to carry out regeneration projects, with the properties then being allocated through the Housing Authority. This would also incentivize owners to take care of their vacant properties and/or place them on the property market, rather than leaving them abandoned.

insebbħu l-lokalitajiet!

Regenerate buildings and remove eye sores

Din idea tajba hafna, Jien estate agent li nispecifika fuq bini uzat, ma nahdimx fuq dawn l-appartamenti li qedin jitilaw kuljum, tara wiehed qisek rajtom kollha. Hawn hafna zghazagh li jixtiequ jixtru dawn it-townhouses pero jaqtaw qalbhom xhin jigi il perit u jwerwirom mil l-spejjez ta renovation. Jekk dawn id-djar jigu restawrati jatu dehra hafna isbah lic centri tal-lokalitajiet taghna. Hemm bzonn grants ta vera, u mhux marbuta ghal uca biss!

Such an idea can be supported using schemes such as tax exemptions/ benefits. People who choose to look after older houses will be given some form of support. (This is done in America). Also, the problem is that heritage buildings are left abandoned, hence falling into disrepair. The current system allows owners to do this, thus the building becomes a danger to health & safety, & PA gives the go ahead for demolition. Fines should be introduced to people who do not maintain buildings.

Offer incentives to encourage the use of abandoned buildings in town centres to be used as offices for startups. Rental rates would be lower than commercial areas while providing the owners income on their properties. This will also increase business in the surrounding areas especially if incubator areas are created in that particular area.

good idea plus we have so many old beautiful buildings we need to protect

We have a wealth of unique heritage which is being lost because restoring and maintaining these type of buildings are costly and not for the faint hearted. Schemes like Irrestawra Dahrek have proven to be very successful so let's invest in this area now more than ever.

Naqbel kompletament. Il-problema bil-postijiet fl-irhula hi li ma jkunx hemm garaxx mad-dar. Ghaldaqstant nissuggerixxi li jinstab post fejn jista' jsir communial carpark ghar-residenti ta' dawn id-djar. Mal-parkegg r-residenti jkollhom il-possibilita' li juzaw karozza elettrika zghira biex jivjaggaw bejn il-garaxx u d-dar taghhom bix-xiri jew bit-tfal u jkunu jistghu jipparkjawha quddiem id-dar taghhom. B'hekk fil-qalba tal-villaggi jonqos it-traffiku u jitjieb il-kwalita tal-arja.

At least renovate the facades. And yes the government should provide help in the form of subsidies/grants to encourage buyers to invest in such properties

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