University courses for mature students

University courses for mature students

Dr.Busuttil, ghadha kemm harget statistika li n-nisa iktar minn 57% ghandhom xoghol prekarjat minhabba li m'ghandhomx livell ta edukazzjoni tajjeb. Dan jista jkun ghall bosta fatturi forsi ghax ma komplewx l iskola ghax kellhom jiehdu hsieb il familja. Jien qed nissugerixxi li tipprovdu degree courses online bhal universitajiet ta barra minn malta halli dak li jkun ma jkollux bzonn jitlaq mix xoghol u jmur full time biex jistudja, jew fil kas ta nisa li qed irabbu l ulied li jistudjaw mid dar.


I agree. I have benefitted from the last PN government's initiative to open the university to mature students. This would the natural second step. It also follows what is happening abroad and thus the University of Malta would also be visible on the net with its own courses.

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