Ban BURKA f'Malta

Ban BURKA f'Malta

Il-gvern irid inaqqax fil-liġijiet Maltin, projbizzjoni sħiħa tal-użu tal-Burka f'postijiet pubbliċi f'Malta. L-għamad u l-għata fuq il-wiċċ m'għandux ikun tollerat lanqas mir-reliġjon Nisranija meta dawn jiġu eżerċitati 'l barra mir-rit tagħhom.


għamad u l-għata fuq il-wiċċ m'għandux ikun tollerat, dan fuq bazi kriminali. L-EBDA ECCEZZJONI: la karnival, la halloween, u lanqas nies lebsin ta ku klux klan fil gimgha l-kbira. Il-burka etc huma hekk inkluzi ipso facto.

I may not be a fan of Islam but I do believe in freedom of religious practices. Besides criminals don't wear burkas.

to Jennifer Debono well, they may, criminal minds are great minds - we two may well be giving them this idea 😕

to Jennifer Debono well, they may, criminal minds are great minds - we two may well be giving them this idea 😕

To Alfred Zammit. Yes we may have given them the idea. I just don't want us to go down the road the French took. No religious symbols whatsoever. I mean I wouldn't like it if someone told me I couldn't wear a crucifix round my neck.

Freedom of religion should supercede any perceived racially profiled "threat". Tolerance and education should be promoted first and foremost.

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