Process to apply for LSA

Process to apply for LSA

Biex tapplika al LSA at tifel/tifla ,irid jiltaqa board. Il board jiltaqa darba f sena.Mela jekk jiltaqa fMarzu u it tifel jigi diagnosed b awtizmu per ezampju fApril,irid jistenna 11 il xahar biex jitla board u biex forsi ituh lsa.Qed jitlef l ghajnuna al sena shiha skolastika.Anke 3 xhur jew 4 xhur wara, telf ta zmien ahseb u ara sena.Il genituri ikunu diga ghaddejjin minn stress , dan id dewmien bla bzonn hu ta aktar piz ghal familja. Grazzi


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