Reduce Electricity Rates

Reduce Electricity Rates

In some European Countries electricity rate is reduce during non peak hours. In Belgium between 10.00pm and 5.00am electricity is half price and it is also like this from 10.00pm on Friday till 5.00am on Monday. I think some time ago, this was suggested, but if it is financially viable for Malta to have such a scheme, I am surre it would go down very well.


Il-Partit Nazzjonalista bħalma stqarr il-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista kemm-il darba, hu kommess li jixtri l-elettriku mgħand min ikun l-irħas. Aktarx dan ifisser li qed jirreferi għall-interconnector li Malta għandha ma' Sqallija, u aktar fil-futur mill-pipeline li hemm fil-pjan li jinbena.

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