Insebbhu t-Toroq Maltin

Insebbhu t-Toroq Maltin

Toroq godda, jew li huma miksija bil-konkrit, ghandhom jissebhu bi graffiti li jattiraw l-ghajn u jsebbhu l-madwar. Ghandna hafna studenti bravi. Il-graffiti jinksew b'materjal li jinhasel facilment minhabba d-dhahen tal-karozzi.Indahhlu wkoll l-idea ta' power wash f'toroq principali,gonna,pedestrian zones,pjazez...Din hi haga normali fl-Ewropa; Olanda, Spanja, Germanja...


Insebbhu t-toroq Maltin

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