PENZJONI. GHANDI 71 sena u mill-penzjoni tat-tezor ilni 11 il-sena nhallas taxxa ingusta ghax jien hallast ghaliha meta kont nahdem . DIN taxxa doppja ghal min hu bhali. Fis-sena 2016 hallast 1087 eur0 TAXXA. MILL-penzjoni tas-sigurta socjali jibqaghli biss 420eur0 fix-xahar. NAPPREZZA ferm jekk titranga minnufih forsi nilhaq xe haga qabel immut u ghalhekk ukoll nitlob illi l-attretrati jibdew jinghataw qabel it 80 sena ghax ftit wisq jibbenifikaw minnha. GRAZZI. PN MALTA il-vot tieghi,


This is an unjust situation as it is at present. The Frozanazzjonali manifesto will address this this situation, albeit over a long term. This gross injustice was brought about by the stroke of apen in 1979 during the Mintoff administration. Those in the civil service and ex-servicemen were and are literally robbed of the NI pension which theirs. Their conditions of employment before 16/1/1979 gave them full rights to a full service pension and a NI pension for which they contributed.

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