Climate justice

Climate justice

Acknowledge and act on our responsibility, individual and societal in addressing climate change. No more destructive exploitation of nature. No fracking, yes to renewables and take proper notice of climate change


Unless the UK (and the rest of the world come to that)becomes carbon neutral, all other arguments are pointless.

Protect the future for our children and grandchildren. Invest in renewables and stop subsidising carbon.

We are heading for a global disaster that may lead to the end of our modern civilisation. We urgently need to address this issue and end the use of fossil fuels as soon as possible.

Our energy policy is a gamble - playing Russian Roulette with our health and that of our children and theirs' - without safe air, clean water and soil for growing healthy crops - there is nothing else to discuss. The government must stop being allowed to make such crucial decisions without unbiased, balanced, expert guidance. Renewables won't run out.. nor will the jobs they bring - fracking rapidly depletes a resource to empty and ends - along with jobs and so much else.

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