Your Ideas

Your Ideas

Electronic Democracy is all about Empowerment, about giving you a voice. All citizens can propose their own ideas and open them up for discussion. We want your voice to be heard. This is how we truly make politics by the people and for the people.


More bins in Sliema

boroz ta studju

Ring road or bypass around Victoria Gozo

Government to grant a subvention to student organisations

Funding for Church Schools

Local Councils

Sustainable development of homes

Nies mill-Unjoni Ewropeja

Harsher penalties for those who don't respect maritime laws

Teaching of Maltese and English in Schools

Tax Credits on Private Health Insurance

Maritime Cultural Heritage

Palliative Care, Oncology


Continual management

More recycling bins around campus.

work life balance

White Rocks - Alternative Use

Non Profit Organization Regarding Foreign Insititutions

Coast Tunnel on the East side of Malta

Re Old Age Pensioners


Rikonoxximent akbar lill-ghalliema

Nghinu lil min hu l iktar fil bzonn

Money inherited and held in Banks

Solar Power Station

Aktar Attenzjoni u support lil Volontiera tad-DPC

Riforma tal-Kunsill għall-Maltin li jgħixu barra minn Malta

Fix haphazard development in Sliema, Paceville, Bugibba

Promote yet still preserve Comino

Reduced Annual Road tax for leisure cars

Mr Silvio Scicluna

Controlli fuq nies barranin f'Malta

Rights for Owners of Solar Panel

Attract Fully Automated Companies

Farming & Pesticides

Waqfu l-Murtali fil-Wied tal-Hniena

TARMAC li jassorbi L-ILMA

Motor Sports

Electric Cars

Triq il-Fieres, Ħal Tarxien

Smooth skating promenade in SLiema

Local gathering similar to town hall meetings in the US

Sir Anthony Mamo oncology centre

centralizazzjoni tal amministrazzjoni tal Gvern

The rehabilitation hospital Karin Grech returned to public

Better waste system

Increase in Afforestation

0% Tax on Fruit, Vegetables & Water

Green Lung in Every Locality

Trees for Streets

Race Track in Malta

Don't Accept any ODZ applications

Il-bini fi triq ghandu jkun kollu fuq l-istess livell

Mater Dei: A €2 fee for anyone to go the mater dei emergency

Manoel Island - National Park

Li l-gvern jippubblika mill-ewwel il-kuntratti kollha

The Sanctity of Marriage


Underground public transport and underground highway

Free Gym Membership and Nutritionist for Obese individuals

Ta' Qali

no race track at ta qali

Solar Energy in Parking Areas & Factories

Race track

Be on the forefront in the development and adoption of AR

full tax exemptions for private school fees


Engineering Warrant for MCAST Engineering Graduates

Title 1

Nature Preservation

allowances for teachers

Introduce critical tools in education system


This forum

Election results

New Political Mentality focused for the young generations

Clean Energy

Cycling as one of the solutions to traffic

Subsidies Healthy Life Styles

Infurzar Serju f'Siti tal-Kostruzzjoni

The price of fuel should reflect current international price

Use Eurovision funds for more important projects

Tax Reduction For Graduates

Green rooftops

MANOEL ISLAND lura għand il-Maltin

Banning of Plastic Bags

Harsher Penalties for Animal Abuse

Mandatory tree-planting initiative

Restoration of sport facilities in the University of Malta.

Free Public Transport during traffic Peak hours

green Malta

Incentives to Regenerate Abandoned Buildings

Report problems in your locality through a mobile app

Vertical Farming to Boost Agro Sector and Solve Pesticides

Swifter appeal hearings

Youths and Travel


Better Employment Opportunities for Fresh Graduates

Better promotion for voluntary groups: GUIDES, SCOUTS, ZAK..

Creative activity clubs at all levels of education.

One compulsory lesson a week about life skills

No NI for students who work.

Reducing teenager substance abuse through sports & other

Paid internships

Edukazzjoni ghal kullhadd

Improving the system for children in care

First time buyers


simon should stay

No More coalition.. We are PN

Boycott Marlene for Leader or we won't vote PN anymore

Your ideas

Kap tal-Partit

Give Ivan Bartolo of 6pm a chance!


Qabel elezzjoni

Net TV ando 101 radio

Żjarat fil-każini u d-djar.

Ġbir ta' firem


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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

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Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information