Your Ideas

Your Ideas

Electronic Democracy is all about Empowerment, about giving you a voice. All citizens can propose their own ideas and open them up for discussion. We want your voice to be heard. This is how we truly make politics by the people and for the people.


Colour given to facades should be monitored by MEPA

Priority Boarding

sick leave for ageing parents

Humane Methods of Livestock Slaughter and Farming


sports/hobbies/voluntary work at school

Vehicle registration on tourism related vehicles


Tnehija ta burokrazija zejda mill MDH pharmacy

Make airstrip in Gozo functional

Tax rebate on Sports

Chess in schools

Sport Academy

Flexi Hours ghal Haddiema

Reforming Educational Assessment Systems in Malta

Relocate ITS

Arena tal-Furjana, Underground Car park, tunnel to Valletta


Opportunities for new start-ups for over 50s


domiciliary blood tests

Glorious Food

Hub ta’ għerf u tagħlim

Backseat passengers not wearing seatbelt make deadly mistake

Going from formal to informal education

Planning Authority - Policy

Promotion of Private Pensions

Gozo University Campus

animal rights


Incentives for local research

Dog Park

Compensation for Grandparents who take care of Grandkids

Psychological Assessment for Politicians

Ghajnuna mand l housing ghal persuni b paga baxxa

Effective Services and Value for money

Let's be one of the first in the world to CHANGE

Term Limits

Children with Learning Difficulties

Computer Programming for all Maltese Primary Students

Esproprjazzjonijiet / Kumpensi

Refund tal- vat tal- vetturi registrati qabel 2008

tax exemption for bandsmen

Fibromyalgia patients.

Harness the economic potential of pensioners


More power to the President of Malta!

L-Iskema ta' Bejgh tac-Cittadinanza

After School help for parents who Work



Multi-Sensory Room f'kull Skola

HEALTH: Improved emergency for infants at Mater Dei

Move bumper to bumper cars immediately. Use a camera

Projbizzjoni ghal min izomm il klieb ghassa fuq bjut etc..

Give students the tools to work. PCs, books, stationary.


celiac scheme vouchers

Vot ta dawk li huma msefrin

Zbalji ta Muscat

Fish Farms

Banking Problem

Vehicle Road Licence

Underground Parking Facility in Victoria, Gozo

Spellcheck ghal-lingwa Maltija

Banning the sale of water via bowser

Private Sector employees


Depoliticise TVM

Incentives for those involved in sport and public sector

Teachers and LSA

Playgrounds in Malta

Recognizing Family Work




Scholar ships for working parents

Progett Liberta Progett Bankini


Sport Institute/University

The Improvement of Chronic Pain Management

Indaħħlu Uber u Lyft


Animal Shelters

cancer care in gozo

Investing in animal sancturies.

Return public spaces to the public

Sports Complex

Koppja li jgħixu b'pensjoni waħda

Implementation of National Debate/Petitions Platform

full disclosure of public contracts

Highlighting the need for more Bullying Awareness


Handy Skills Taught at School

Sports Experience

Maltese travelling abroad

Added payment for Gozitan workers working in Malta

Introduction of IT based systems


More Professional Voluntary Organizations

Bicycle bridges and overpasses

L-Għalliema jirtiraw wara ħamsa u għoxrin sena servizz.

Animal Sanctuaries

Titolu tal-propjeta

Proposti fuq l-Armata

Support Maltese businesses with shipping costs

Rural rent laws

NIGHT TIME is for SILENT road construction

Education - Assessments

Monetization of Maltese videos on YouTube

Re developing Paceville

Tax for Sports


Il-Gvern jixtri l-artijiet li waqaw taht 'Rationalisation'

Establish a National Citizen Service

No cars in town centres

Learning Outcome Framework

Regenerazzjoni tal-bliet u rhula

Addressing over-development in our traditional villages

Organic Vegetables and Fruit

Trasport Pubbliku aktar Efficjenti

Clean politics

Senior citizens in the public service



Insebbhu t-Toroq Maltin

Open Sports Facilities

Help local band clubs financially during the Summer season.

enhancing the environment we live in

restawra darek

Progett ghar-roundabout ta' Hal Qormi (Tal-Imghallaq)


Cancer Patient

Increase the national birth rate

Disband Identity Malta and investigate

nurses in schools

Gradual Retirement

Harsher penalties on animal cruelty.

paid family carers for elderly

reduce morning transport


Enforce laws for people parking in front of people's garages

free transport for students doing matsec exams

Set up a National Council for Future Skills & the Economy

Community Workshops

Annual vehicle circulation tax for Sundays & Public Holidays

Sliema's filth and noise

Improvements in the Police Corp

Proġett Pilota fil-Floriana - nikkonvertu l-bini abbandunat

Sector Geographical Clusters

work time directive

Dilapidated Buildings

Regenerate Abandoned Areas into Public Parks & Open Spaces

Consultation with workers

Filing of tax returns by every individual

Impose penalties on large food chains which don't recycle

Guarding the undelivered votes

BBQ's by the sea

Għajnuna xierqa lill-istudenti li jkomplu jistudjaw

Maltese ART as an export product

Pilot a 'Citizen Allowance' programme

L-infermiera u hamsa u ghoxrin sena servizz

Igaming Education in Schools

Trying to safe guard national traditions

Water Wells in all dwellings


Strengthening the Middle Class & Eradicating Poverty

Receiving MATSEC results during September sessions faster.

Work Emails

Hospitality Industry

Reduce Electricity Rates

Pensions / National Insurance

To avoid traffic, we can arrange alternative routes

Tal-Linja Card


EU nationals to be able to ride 125cc motorcycles

University Library

Incentives for the opening of bulk food stores

impose lower prices on healthy food


Rules on public sector use of social media

Happy Paws Clinic

Ghajnuna lil Persuni b'mard kroniku



Income tax brackets should be adjusted, for lower tax pay.

Overhaul of Malta's Political System

Minimizing Traffic

Better driving etiquette and better roads

Tax Exemption for medical treatment

Make the University the first bipedopolis

Medicina b xejn ghall Familji bi dhul ta anqas min €12,000

Empty Buildings

elderly day centres

Stabbiliment ta' Fondazzjoni għal trends Futuri

Energy Strategy 2050

Daily Physical Education Lessons in Schools

Biedja - Ilma għat tisqija



1st time buyer scheme

Music Taught In Schools

Parlament b'terminu fiss

Development Agencies for EU Funding

Pharmacy at night

Cycling highway along the Coast Road

Better Incentives for Startups

Build More Mosques for the Muslims of Malta

Amendments to the First Time Buyers Scheme

Transfer duty on inheritance

Auditing Local Councils

Removal of Gas tanker

Zonqor Point

Staggered maternity and paternity leave

Overhaul of planning system

Il-fliexken tal-PLASTIK u tal-ĦĠIEĠ

Incentives for workers

National Screening Program for Obesity

Disability Benefit more person centred

Reward hard-working employees

Change of Guards at MFSA

Secondary School Education on Job Opportunities

Ideas board - like this one

Tax on 2nd time property buyers

Junk mail

Animal testing

Private Diesel Cars

Education Scholarships for ALL

Use of vacant convents for educational purposes

Leave ITS where it is (In a strategic location)

Psychological support for Patient's Relatives at Mater Dei

Chronic Illness Files

Pension Scheme for Separated People

Educating New Voters

Financial Arbiter

Process to apply for LSA

Dritt tal-Vot

Nippromovu arti tradizzjonali

Ħitan tas-sejjieħ

Dignity to teachers

Esperjenza prattika fis-suġġetti optional

0% tax on overtime



Changing to type F adapter

To be able to vote electronically from abroad

Tackling public service abuse

Joint Office Scheme

Investment in Music and Arts Education

Causa Mortis Tax

Biex aktar Ghawdxin jibqghu jghixu f' Ghawdex

Hospital Parking Space

Qawra Family Park

Make civil servants accountable

Parking Special Designated Zones

Deal with Unused Property

Community work for the unemployed

No Malta-Gozo Permanent Link

Maximum Term for MFSA Chairman

Better Care for our fury family members

Technical University

the de-taxation of overtime hours

Employment in the Cultural Sector

Money For Mothers taking care of Child/Children

Part-Time work

All Street Illumination Should be LED

Organ Donation


Healthy Lifestyle


Less stress for children


MTA licence fees


Discuss top 5 proposals on this portal at regular intervals

Is-sistema edukattiva għat-tfal bi bżonnijiet speċjali

To resolve traffic issue emulate London's Taxi system

Presevation of Trees in Gozo


Obligatory sports discipline at secondary level schools

Bonus and Income Supplement

Encourage more wells


Ninvestu fi Sport biex nilhqu livell ta prestigju internazzj

Meningitis & chicken pox (varicella) vaccine

Capping of the cost of certain goods

Facial Recognition Software During Elections

Sharing our public gardens with our pets

Breast milk bank for premature babies in hospital

Free Public Transport

Flats and garbage bags

Free transport for all children even in catholic schools

Anti-Terrorist Intelligence Agency

Digitalisation of Schedule V system

Il-Kundizzjonijiet tal-Ghalliema

PARKEĠĠI taħt l-art

Free photovoltaic panels

IIP Revamp

Sport tourism

Fair distribution to all

Harsher penalties for animal cruelty

Sport Promotion

Simplification of Process for Foreign Athletes

kera / nurseries

Helping Cancer Patients

Breaks to be part of total working hours

Kumitat Permanenti għall-Affarijiet Kostituzzjonali

Tolerance and diversity taught in schools + the workplace

Parliament Watch

Incentivise companies to install shower facilities at work .

Inċentivi għal kultura sportiva f'pajjiżna

Introduction of Classical Studies in the curriculum

Scrap the ridiculous Import Duty on Toiletries

Positions of Trust


Increase Stipend for students that conduct sports activities

Licence for Pit bull Owners

Time toInvest in a project instead of the Mizbla in Maghtab

A Technocratic Cabinet

Pagi għal securities

protection of old properties

To improve the built environment - Creativity and Colour.

Holistic approach


Alleviation of Road Congestion: Free Transport for Students

Direct high way link

Tabib mill-isptar

nationwide parking policy

Monetise the parking space in front of your garage


Live Stream tal-lectures tal-Universita fuq VLE

Clamp down on garbage truck/bowser emissions

Basic First Aid compulsory in schools

Free 3 month GYM subscription to employees with Public Secto

CCTV on all Roads

Park and ride a bike

Toroq jaħdmu bl-enerġija tax-xemx

Indigenous Vegetation

Haddiema barranin f'Servizz Publiku jridu jitghalmu l-Malti

Improving the state of Legal Aid

2 Houses of Representatives

Amendment of Unconstitutional laws

Malta-Gozo Tunnel Rail Link + Commercial/Emergency services

Gay rights

better care for persons with learning difficulties

tnaqqis fit taxxa tal overtime

Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts

Toroq intelliġenti.

Social Services - Blue Card System

Boost Ease of Conducting Business

Green areas the promise Joseph Muscat forgot to deliver....

Tax Incentives for people who work hard (40 hrs +)

Making BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH a New Key Economic Area

Initiatives to launch campaigns

Maltese/English as entry requirement at UOM

Enerġija nadifa u sostenibbli

Tnaqqis ingust mill-penzjoni ta koppja


Physical Education at schools from Kindergarten onwards

Free Matsec exams to be done in the school of the students

A better University

Regularize cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin

Malta's Catastrophic Urban And Rural Construction Nightmare

Boat moorings

Community Service - Sports

incentive for first time buyers

Inċentivi għaż-żgħażagħ relatati mal-volontarjat

Ban halal meat from being produced in malta .

korp tal-pulizija

Dog Parks and doggie bins

Reduction of Taxes on Overtime

Stop Construction of Apartments in Village Cores

Senior Management Appointments

University courses for mature students

The built environment - A local say

No taxation on Early Retirement Schemes

School hours

Renovation of the existing University Sports facilities

Community services for lonely people

Chess education in all schools

Pitkalija moderna u effiċċjenti.

Tax on O/T hours

Restawr ta' Fort Rikasoli, Delimara u ohrajn

Having a more inclusive society

restructuring of national mental health services

Rent Fairness

Dikjarazzjoni ta' l-assi b'konsegwenzi reali kontra l-abbuz

VISA for Start-UPs

Press Secretary within the OPM with daily press conferences

Renewable Energy Industrial Estates

Health care

Fondazzjoni Futur

High Rise Moratorium

haddiema fil-gebel, barriera, etc.

Distribution depots for delivery vans to ease traffic

Train proposal

Restoring Our Traditional Maltese Boats

An education which gives different alternatives to students.

Amendment in law for civil damages including chronic pain

Establish an 'Empty Homes Partnership'

24 hour open pharmacies and or supermarkets

Heavy vehicles to be banned from circulating at peak times

Taxxa fuq Public Shares


TELEWORK responsabbli lill-ħaddiema tal-gvern


Animal Welfare

Rubbish collection

Improve the Test System for Drivers' License

School Nursing

Bringing the Empire Stadium back to life

Autonomous Cars

Internet b irhas rata ghal anzjani


special needs kids

Sustainable growth

Solar Desalination

Let's drive on the right side

Muslim community

Massive MCAST Institute For The Creative Arts Revamp.

Environment: Improving air quality by lowering PM

incentive schemes for Organic Farming

Additional Sports Courses

Ta Qali Park

Standards should be set for architectural designs

Forward Planning - New Industries

psychological help for parents of children w disabilities

2 Wheels Makes Sense

Abolish diesel cars & increase incentives for hybrid cars

Nuqqas ta' taxxa fuq donazzjonijiet

Naghtu djar vojta ( abbandunati jew mitluqin) lil housing

Transparency in public procurement

Low-energy sustainable buildings

Cleaning Malta - manpower

Improved facilities at Ta Qali

Tax Exemption for Organisations


Protecting our youth


Succession Duty

Open Disclosure of Contracts

Better working conditions for child care workers

Solar Panels Agreements with Gov.

il-prosekuzzjoni tal-kazijiet fil-Qorti

Abandoned quarry reservoirs systems

Harnessing Hydropower From Urban Water & Reservoir Pipes

Il-lokalita' ta' Santa Venera fl-ewwel distrett u l-ħsara

New shore sport fishing venue in Malta

Strengthening Communities

Caw caw ghal 40%+ propjeta vojta

Taller but Fewer Buildings - More Open Spaces

The Invisible Child Carers: Grandparents



Disability Pension - Fibromyalgia

Regular Driving Tests for Elderly Persons

Rainbow center

Quality Systems

Car Licence fees

Sistema First Past The Post (FPTP) għall-Kunsilli Lokali

e-Voting System

curruption money

is sena tar restawr fuq gebla

Non Taxable minimum repayments on residential home loans.

Cleaner environment with more garbage bins and collections

Small open (green) gardens in town centres

Keep Malta Tidy

Fun Park ghat-tfal

Nerġgħu niftħu l-ISKEJJEL TAS-SNAJJA'

Solar Panel Installation or Maintenance Service Voucher

Election of PM and selection of Ministers & the executive

Health Centers/Appointments

Konferenza tal-ahbarijiet miftuha kull sitt xhur

Solar Rights

Exhaust Emissions

Task Force to address Brexit concerns of Maltese in UK

35 Hour Work Week

Presidential election and presidential powers

Fuel prices

Remove excise duty on perfumes


Pensjoni ta l-irtirar

Public Underground Garages/ Towers

Project to restore pavements

Cheaper Taxi Services

National Herb Farming households

Out with the old, in with the new

National Legislation & Policy for dyslexia

subsidy for therapy for disabilities

Income tax office should be more up to date

to reduce traffic

Emergency Unit @ Oncology

Preparazzjoni Aktar Ghad Dinja Tax-Xoghol

School transport & Timing

Electronic voting

Animal Welfare


Develop an app for this site.

More attn toward the welfare of stray and abandoned animals

Canada Working Holiday Visa for Maltese Citizens


Pet owners

Long lasting strategies for animal welfare management

Publish Government Signed Contracts Within 3 Months

Drivers lottery

To Add to Animal Welfare List of promises


Junior Lyceum

Tnaqqis jew tnehhija tal VAT relatata ma l sports

Solar PhotoVoltaic right and protection

Full Up Buses


organize non political related events at the party clubs

Part-timers and care for old people

Embellishment of Road Fields' Wooden Gates and Rubble Walls.

Equal Taxation

Increase the amount of public sports facilities.

Incentives for Co's who plan the CSR toward the environment

Free Inoculations for children under 1 year

introduce more sports for health

Formation of Cabinet

Healthier lifestyle - subsidising healthy food

Public Transport

Dyslexia - grants to parent / entitled to lsa

Introduction of 'Time Off' for the Father

Right of recall


Crowd sourced solutions to micro traffic congestion


Bars near Schools

importanza lill-AGRITURIŻMU

Government pledge for MORE ODZ in its first 5 years

Honest Governance

Sports Village

Critical Thinking

Beyond Tribal Politics

Courses for a carrier in the Gaming industry

Causa Mortis - Immovable property Taxation


A National Gifted Academy

Tax credits for single persons in full employment

Construction in Phases

Local Councils

legalisation of Marijuana for medicinal purposes ONLY

Solar Panel Farm in IKlin


Radio and tv programmes

Give Malta a Center for Photography

Public design competitions

Negative Tax

Recognition of rights of EFL teachers

The policy of having a well should be enforced

Public's taxes for public scrunity

L-Immigranti llegali

Dash Cams + Motorcycle Cams

First time buyer scheme

Libraries in various localities

Motorbike Licenses

Discover Your Country

Helping peoples' ideas to the political agenda

Organise nation-wide clean-ups at least twice a year.

increase the living wage

24/7 cultural hub


Environment: Reducing Plastic Waste

Use of Sick Leave

To consider persons with fibromialga.



Ban All Plastic Bags

Restawr ta' Bini Diżabitat fil-Floriana

Ecology center in Dwejra

Rehabilitate all quarries and rubbish dumps


State of the Art Road-Safety Infrastructure


Independent board for top positions


Changes in constitution should always be through a referendu

I choose Malta and Maltese people

Service Pension

Vertical Gardens


New roads should carry a maintenance agreement

Reunification of the Planning and Environment Authority


Zero tolerance to corruption

Prevention of Noise & Dust During Construction

A SINGLE Electoral District

Vacation leave

Allow cyclists down Bisazza Street


Il-Haddiema fis-settur tas-sahha

Health Hazards

Green Industry

Gozo as testing lab for driverless cars

Get Doctors & Professionals back to Malta

Rampant abuse of blue badges for people with disability

Insurance Cover for Malta Police Members

Eta tax-xoghol

Transport for students

Major Regeneration of Balzan Valley and Naxxar Road

Limiting abuse on social security

More aid to Start up a business

National Emergency Ambulance Service

Centralised Government Customer Care Unit

More family parks

Tax Credit Schemes for new companies in Gozo

National Plan for Access to Countryside

Traffic Managment

Biedja - Mili ta' formoli għal fondi ewropej

Boosting Innovative Local Farming and Agriculture

Accomodation for homeless people

Art agrikola


Residential Parking for St pauls bay, Qawra and Buggiba

Streamline Primary and Secondary Education

Tridentine Mass

Promotion of products made in Malta

Teknokratici fil-Ministeri

Bus lanes, traffic lights, bumps and overtaking lane

Building a state of the art public library in Valletta

Dignity for Mental Health Patients

No Discrimination

Electric cars

Remove car registration fees for cars with low emissions

Elevated Cycle Lanes


Commercial Sensitivity in Tenders

Improvement in Locality waste managment

Revisit divorce law

puttinu cares

Appreciation for mothers who stayed @ home raising their kid

licenzji tal-vetturi

Change of Citizenship & Naturalisation Law

New Mental Health Hospital & Awareness Campaign

Obtaining more energy from the sun

Cleaner streets - less dust


Kjarifika tad-dritt tal-vot tal-Maltin ta' barra

Teach Computing (Programming) to our young kids!

Road law enforcement

Civil Service

Home Loan

Allotments for agricultural use



New SkateParks/Plazas

attracting more students towards teaching career

Less, but better MPs



Rolling barriers to minimise the impact of accidents



Underground Train System

Compensation for moral damages

Tree 4 Life

Adequate CDAU centre with proper parking

Explain in simple terms the concepts of money laundering etc


Children under the ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)


sickleave when elderly parent is sick

Autism support

Better and more accessible bus stops

Water management

Work on Contract



Electoral Programme

Get rid of Marlene

Holistic Masterplanning for Coastal Urban Areas

Nharsu l-Kontribuzzjoni tal-Haddiem

Pagi u kundizzjonijiet ahjar ghall-ghalliema.

Professional status of qualified librarians


Fast Passenger Ferry Service along the Maltese Coast

Reserved Parking Bays for "handicapped" persons



Żvilupp ta' App: Art Pubblika jew Privata?

Construction of public car parks within major cities

Vocational Education

Creative and analytical-based curriculum

Insulin Pumps for Type 1 Diabetics


Give teachers a voice and a raise

Information Age Government (Subsidised Smart-devices)

Mr Balzia

Central strips

6th Form Stipend - do not reduce when early passes obtained

development in ODZ

Tnaqqis fit-TAXXA

learning support assistants - autism

Autism awareness

Trade Union Membership

New SkateParks/ Plazas


To help to decrease obesity and increase health!

All new roads should have a safe bicycle land & carpool lane


Fond Ghadir Beach - Sliema

Marsa Sports Ground

The Shift to Electro-Mobility


Easy Flow Traffic Peak Hours

Masters in Psychology

Lower Income Tax for working parents

Higher wages for teachers

WasteServ: Civic Amenity Sites

Bollards for Garage owners

24/7 nursery

Periklu ghas sewwieqa fit- toroq maltin li jista jigi evitat

A stand against illegal immigration is a Nationalist stand

Trees, Trees and more Trees

Incentives for Part-Time Musicians

Fighting Local Childhood Obesity

Promote Organic Farming

Il-widien tagħna bħala parks naturali

Pedestrian only Cities such as Mdina and Valletta

Introduce Road User Charge

Carfree City

Facilitate voting for Maltese living abroad

Tackling Childhood Obesity in Schools with more sport

Is-Sahha Mentali


Involviment ta' artisti żgħażagħ fi proġetti pubbliċi eċċ...

Kartuna Safra (Schedule V) Medicini B'Xjen

New Dermatology Department at MDH

Assistance to Farmers

Solar Farming

Renewable Energy vs current Powerstations

voters living abroad


Nisa tad dar

Future Commercial Pilots Sponsorship

Jerma M'Scala

2nd class water

Night tariffs for electricty

Rehabilitation in Cordin Correctional Facility

Mass Meeting Sunday, 28 May ! DIFFERENT !

Mr Mario Borg

Authentic new Crafts Village

Unjust Old Perpetual " Commercial Rent "

Local Councils/Regional Councils

Biodiversity management, education and protection

Zero Tolerance on Crime & Corruption

Court experts

Selective Road licence

Hawn hafna idejat brillanti li huma kwazi l-istess

Green Roofs

postijiet requisitioned mil-gvern

Parks ghall-familji filwaqt li niehdu hsieb dawk ezistenti

Youth and Citizenship - Promoting Active Citizenship

Artist and Designer Studios in Valletta and Floriana

Stopping cultural "enrichment" by mass forced immigration

Putting Mental health as a priority

Teaching Loads

Reform and overhaul mental health care in Malta

Tackling Obesity and Lack of Exercise


Mediterranean beauty...

Adopt a Grandparent

Reduce excessive bureaucracy for SMEs

Nsahhu l-Familiji

Scientific Research

Tunnel to connect Malta to main land Europe

Companies offer Internship based education

Overtime to be taxed at part time rate.

Create a sustainable 'l ghelieqi taghna' scheme

University of Malta - Our Natural Resource

faccati ta djar mahmugin

Make tattoo discrimination at the workplace illegal

Tal-Linja Car (more flexible than Uber)

Less tax rate for private company bonuses

Children's Immunisation

Incentivise reporting bad drivers


Legalizing Weed and decriminilising hard drugs

Monitor fireworks air and noise pollution

Revolutionise Education System like Finland's

water conservation

Jittejbu l-kundizzjonijiet tal-Għalliema.

Autism and Education

Private Car Parks

fitness facilities

Xogholijiet f'toroq

Valletta - an untapped goldmine!

Replicas of destroyed historical buildings

Cultural Heritage Management

Autonomous Mass Transport System

Improve sports achievements


Nattiraw barranin b'IQ għolja u mhux b'kont il-bank kbir

Safeguarding Wied Ghomor

Underground Car Park - University of Malta

Gender Services

Vulnerable Children

Religious education in schools

Evangelical Christians

Iz-zona tal-Ospizio ssir zona residenzjali għall-Furjaniżi

Heath and Safety Authority: more funds, stricter inspections

Exams at UOM and Tertiary Institutes

Free chicken pox vaccine for all!

Maltese Festa Festival

Institute for Conservation

Extend opening hours of museums and archaeological sites

deletanti sajjieda

Malta Philharmonic Orchestra


Saving History and Club Culture

Cultural Sustainability and Tourism

Tinda f'Teatru Rjal

Internet Service for homeusers in all localities

Remove the Individual Investor Programme

Non-Government Organisations and VAT

Public Private Partnership Business Model for Airmalta.

Nirrinġeneraw u nużaw il-bini abbandunat

Offer a Park & Ride service to/from the University of Malta


24/7 University Library

Mandatory study leave for employees pursuing Masters or PhD

Free Wi-Fi madwar Malta u Ghawdex

University Track Upgrade 🏃

Solar panel street lamps

MCAST Engineering Degree Warrant

Sex Education in ALL schools.

New topic in all schools for all ages

Sigurta aktar ghalina u ghat tfal taghna

conservation of water

Reopen the Gzira National Football stadium ⚽️

Electrically operated cars for the Uber service.

Installation of Photovoltaic panels on private roofs

Use of digged holes in the grounds for the generation of gas

cancer research institute

Philosophy subject during compulsary school years

Sec exams

abandoned houses

Saqaf fuq il-Park & Ride bil-pannelli fotovoltajċi

Balconies & Front Gardens

organised campsites

A Facelift to the secondry school system

Traffic solution - towing services

More trees in urban areas

Health - Dialysis patients

Support to NGOs

Tax rebate for health

Substituting old quarries with artificial lakes

Solar Farm

Financial Support for Farms to provide more Organic Food

Transport Pubbliku

cancer chemotherapy

Gym Facilities


Common parts Contribution in Social Housing

Sports for Health Promotion

No need for an interview to become LSA1 or LSA2

Occupational pensions

Prezz fiss ta metru kwadru ghal propjeta

Bring Tesla to Malta

Senior citizens


Matsec O level science options resits

Farmers/Artisan Market in Gozo

Manifest elettorali

Dog Park in Gozo

Stipend - University of Malta

school tablets

Dogs should be allowed in public gardens

CDAU and Mater Dei appointments

Kumpens ghal dewmien ta' kawza l-Qorti

Libel laws

penzjoni tat-tezor

Education and Sports

Stray Animals

Small cars in the roads

No Politics in Local Councils

Electronic Bollards In Valletta . (Terrorism).

Legalisation of recreational Cannabis

Transport for employees

votazzjoni tal-anzjani

Investing heavily in the esports industry!

Develop a social enterprise framework



Controlling the use of toxic pesticides

Child Care System

University Partnerships

Siti Storici ohra

Free treatment to rare illnesses.

From diesel to hybrid or electric cars

Malta to Keep Using Gas for the generation of Electricity



Expanding Transport in Malta

Marsaskala Swimming Pool

Harbour Regeneration

Żjarat b'xejn għall-familji nhar ta' Ħadd

Reform in laws and harsher penalties

Increasing Gozo Tourism in the low Season

More transparent government employment

our home

Special Police Force/Police Station & Clinic in Paceville

Insulin Pumps for Type 1 Diabetes Patients

Dog Park Near Siggiewi

More education on mental and physical health

re noise pollution

establishing a crematorium

Sports in the school syllabus

Solar Roadways

Incentive on Electric cars


Institute of crafts as 'Royal School of Needlework' in UK

health benefits for those with intolerances/allergies

Creating a safer Malta


Refurbishing old schools

Parking problem in residential areas

No Homework and No exams for all students


Distribution of Goods to Shops

Manoel Island Cycle/Pedestrian Bridge

National Insurance for Persons working abroad within EU

Victor Fenech

Victor Fenech

messaggi f'kull dar

National hydrant network

Sailing in the school syllabus

Incentives to help aviation students.

Seriously Encourage People to commute with their Bike

Sale of inherited property

State financing of political parties

Taxxa fuq il pensjoni


Renew roads infrastructure

A strategy to increase Malta's renewable energy output

Free electric car charging point's around Malta and Gozo

New Cleaning & Hygiene Standards in our Child Cares

Mini bus transport for common spots

Training Abroad for doctors

Energy saving

Public Transport

Paper Waste

Introduce Circular Economy

Single Pensioners minimum amount for tax to be incresed

enforcement of law regulating constructions

25 years of service for teachers and kindergarten assistants

Reform in the Educational System



Ħlas diċenti lill-MINISTRI

Taxxa fuq Fast Foods

National G&T School

National Unity

Speedboat refuse collectors around the coast


Expenditure control in Health – Faster, better, cheaper?

Photovoltaic panels over Park and Ride facilities

Utilisation of Immigrants on Social Benefits

Cannabis Legalised for personal use

Animal welfare

Suggestion re statutory bonuses

Planning for the Maltese islands

caretaker goverment - the power of incumbency


Internet of Things for the Manufacturing Sector

Pro-life, no to abortion and embryo freezing.

Well Being Of Our Children

Restoration of Fort Campbell

Faculty of Health Sciences

Camping sites


Upgrade of residential roads

sevizz ta dental ghal pensjonanti

Private health care and gym memberships

Tackling Traffic

University of Malta new courses

Press conference



Promotions and ERS packages before elections

Esto es una idea de prueba

Eradication of Asbestos products in Malta

Research incentives for PIs not just students

Infrastructure for cycling

Roller Coaster hopes to drive adventure and tourism.

Social welfare gust u trasparenti

less schoolbags weight and more digital education


avoiding traffic congestion in bugibba junction

blocking of pornographic material

Increase stipends for students who work part time in summer

Change in education

Reduced Working Hours for Workers over 56 years of age

Electric mobility vehicles

Link between Malta, Gozo and Comino

Delivery of Nappies for disabled/elderly persons

Elderly staying at home

Employment of a carer

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